Far from the dizzying clamour...
Far from the dizzying clamour of the neon
lights, hush & listen in quietude to the sweet
melodies of the earth and walk the paths of
Nature's kingdom where she lieth in her vast
eternity; And where manifold voices of crystal
clear waters spring from gushing waterfalls &
flow into the winding rivers that rush to the
great seas;
Far from the dizzying clamour of the neon lights, hush & listen in quietude
Far from the dizzying clamour of the neon
lights, hush & listen in quietude to the sweet
melodies of the earth and walk the paths of
Nature's kingdom where she lieth in her vast
eternity; And where manifold voices of crystal
clear waters spring from gushing waterfalls &
flow into the winding rivers that rush to the
great seas;
Far from the dizzying clamour of the neon lights, hush & listen in quietude
to the sweet melodies of the earth and walk the paths of Nature's kingdom
where she rises and salutes the sky in indescribable humility, by far more touching than any speech, while the soft wind whistles through the rustling
trees & white-crowned sparrows sing at moon set;
Far from the dizzying clamour of the neon lights, hush & listen in quietude
to the sweet melodies of the earth and walk the paths of Nature's kingdom
where vast forests transform into magical patterns and colours, greeting the sunrise in blissful delight time and over again, as the seasons continue
to turn in harmonious and cheerful refrain;
Far from the dizzying clamour of the neon lights, hush & listen in quietude
to the sweet melodies of the earth and walk the paths of Nature's kingdom
where the Robins chant at dawn's first light and drink morning dew from
the murmuring grass, while the Bluebird's chorus rings out in wistful notes,
high above in the sunlight sky; Written by Wajia-Patricia Bühl
Far from the dizzying clamour of the neon lights & noisy distractions of the
world, bathe amidst the songs of beauty & listen in quietude to the Earth's
heartbeat gallop in harmonious rythme with Nature's beautiful tunes...