Thursday, 24 September 2015

September wish...

While the springs of riches flow abundantly through- 
out the mighty earth, still the cries of children remain                                                                                             Upon the brightest star... 
loud and incessant in many a forgotten land; Mouths               
parched with thirst and lips crackedeyes desperately 
turned toward the blue heavens in plead;

If only the sacred drops of rain would fall all over the 
world in a million silver threads & fountains on every 
corner of the earth sprout in overflow to quench thirst 
of many a child; Oh how my heart would swell in song, 
for my wish would not have been in vain;

Come out children o' come from behind the shade, to 
play & dance in the laughing rain & taste the raindrops 
on your lips; And when the rain comes to cease, look to
the heavens and behold the beautiful vibrant colours of 
the majestic rainbow splashed across the sky;

Child of the universe know not where you are, only the
twinkling stars in the wide sky serve as our bond while 
we gaze in marvel at the same 'shimmers of wonder' & 
upon which I cast a special wish, that mankind reconcile
with goodwill and share 'earth's' abundance with you;

Night after night I shall scan the skies in search of the
brightest star upon which I will make a silent wish of
good intent specially for You; For some day in the near
future, your children and the children of the earth will
in turn look to you for a fair and beautiful world;

Child of the Earth, may you always feel the gentle breeze 
on your face & may you forever dance & laugh in the rain...                                                                                                                     

by Wajia-Patricia Bühl