Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Autumn Bliss...

The summer has only just reached her brim and already I
blend into yet another awesome dream where a bright and 
mighty light blinds me with me with her fiery brilliance and
where the winds bloweth eastward; Copper-gold, yellow and 
red colours flying in the crystal clear blue sky whilst children 
play in the laughing wind, reaching out to catch a symbol of
good omen, that of an Autumn leaf;

The melodies of summer have long been washed away to shore
by the giant waves of the great seas and already I blend into 
yet another awesome dream where trees display their garment
of colours sublime and Swallows gather in flock, twittering high 
above in the wide luminous skies; Painted leaves of earthy colours 
like a million red, yellow & burgundy-coloured butterflies dancing 
in the wind that swirl me off my feet as I dodge & scoop playfully 
in the magic moments of the Autumn bliss; 

The summer has now died and sleeps in the arms of the sun 
and already I blend into yet another awesome dream where 
fluffy purple-coloured clouds move steadily over the vast
mosaic-carpeted' valley of bright yellow, copper-red & golden 
fields & forests; 'O Autumn of astounding beauty, it seems you 
never lose sight of your purpose, forever majestic & gleaming 
in the bold yellow light that glows upon Nature's face;

When in seek of joy, bathe in Autumns exhalting sunlight & blend 
in her laughing earthy-coloured leaves, that lay scattered on the 
ground & gleam in beautiful patterns like a wishful dream of sheer
splendour - As if in offering the very 'heart' of Nature to humanity...

by Wajia-Patricia Bühl

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