The awesome colours of hope...

Day and night cannot dwell together, so is the way of nature; Yet
beauty is everywhere, even as we sail alone in the solemn hours
of evening, bright rainbow colours of hope splash across the sky
in the far horizon like a glowing smile of an angel...
Yesterday & today cannot inhabit the same space, so is the way of
of nature; Yet the beauty of it's memory is everywhere like a rapidly
receding tide that will never return while the glorious sun rises to the
east of the heavens - all at once...
The farthest star in the galaxies lies some two and a half million light
years away from Earth, whilst the closest sits roughly at 4.35 light yrs
away, so is the way of the universe; Yet the beauty of their mysteries
inspire & nourish our every dream, like the 'falling stars' upon which
we cast our deepest wish...
The great oceans and vast lands cohabit on our planet - earth, so were
the beginnings of man & civilisation and still beauty is everywhere; She
continues to radiate on the the verdant valleys and on every hillside, in
the murmuring rivers and the crystal blue lakes: The scenery of gigantic
waves of a wind-ruffled sea crashing against the dumb rocks lined along
the white shore is truly a beautiful thing to behold, even as the sad-voiced
winds howl in the far distance...
What then is more beautiful than that of yonder sky that weeps tears of
of compassion upon humanity & has been doing so for centuries untold -
by Wajia-Patricia Bühl