Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Winds of change...

All were oblivious to the steely grey eyes of destiny 
that had predicted the brewing storm in the distance;
All were oblivious to the change that was to come, 
precipitously the world stood still, breathless and 
half in trance;

Of all that was taken for granted, broken pieces of 
ourselves left in everything we used to love; Heart
warming gatherings, brotherly handshakes, hugs
and warm embrace, now reduced to mask & glove;

An eerie silence reigned throughout the world as
phantoms roamed the deserted streets, void of all 
bustle, laughter and chatter; All the while nature 
thrived like never before in her newly proclaimed 
space, adamantly indifferent to mankind's plight 
and shatter; 

And now man gradually awakens from his plight,
holding his breath in hasty attempt to brave the 
vague; Unforeseen days are yet to unfold as a very
different tomorrow awaits;

Leaving behind broken pieces of ourselves in all the 
things we used to love... 

by Wajia-Patricia Bühl 

1 comment:

frederiko said...

A true reflection of our now