Saturday, 24 May 2014

Delightful Reminiscence...

Memories of a lifetime determinedly traced on my 
subconsciousness, replay their magic moments 
one more time...

An endless sky explodes into a billion glittering stars 
catching us in gasps of  bewilderment,  just like they 
had done in the far past;

One last time, we recreate a world of another dimension 
somewhere up above, as we name and count the stars as
far as we can, just like we had done in the far past;

Like a very beautiful and touching film that had 
reeled away much too quickly;

And now... 

They have left and journeyed on the wings of unknown 
beautiful angels, to a world of another dimension, some
where up above;

Where the magnificent light of the stars will shine on for
ever and offer the earth It's spectacular splendour from 
time to time;

And every once in a while I shall search the wide skies for 
a 'sign' from the beloved, by the wink of a falling star...

Wajia-Patricia Bühl

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