Friday, 2 January 2015

On The Wings Of The Earth...

Tell me of your journeys on the wings of the earth and the beauty 
of the mornings that befell you, so magical and forever in your 
heart; Did you caress the soft light of the magnificent sunrise and
bathe in her sunlight kiss, filled with promises of a thousand and 
one summer dreams, wild flowers dancing in the gentle breeze...

Tell me of your journeys on the wings of the earth that whirled 
you around the sun and the beautiful days that unfolded, colourful 
and overwhelming; Did you go past the rainbow path dodging the 
rains to find your bliss, blending in the spectrum of her colours so
dazzling and gay, multicoloured stripes splashed across the sky...

Tell me of your journeys on the wings of the earth and the beauty 
of the evenings that befell you, mysterious and intimidating; Did 
you bump into the giant moon, yellow-gold sails pouting the dark 
skies and did you greet her in graceful courtesy, to dispel her dark 
mood or did you encounter her in her full glow, blessing you with 
her wise counsel and renewing your spirit...

Tell me of your journeys on the wings of the earth that whirled you 
around the sun and the beautiful nights that unfolded; Did you gaze 
in wonderment at the faces of beauty that shone upon the earth as 
they glared through the windows of the galaxies, bright stars like a 
million lanterns, some falling in laughing playfulness while others 
suspending from the ceiling of heaven...

Tell me of your journeys on the wings of the earth and the beauty 
of the evenings that befell you, divine and majestic sunset in flame;
Did your eyes devour her golden splendour; exalt your soul, as she 
bathed your face in her soft warm glow, before sinking far beyond 
the horizon and winking at you in promise of her return at dawn 
for yet another awesome journey...                                                                
by Wajia-Patricia Bühl 


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